Our targets

How we measure success:

Achieve zero injuries for employees and contractors
Improve the lives of 100 million people in our communities
Achieve 30% overall representation of women and 50% women in salaried positions
Implement regional diversity plans
Our approach

International Paper’s employees are the heart of our business.

That’s why we have a steadfast commitment to fostering a work environment that is not only inclusive and collaborative but also safe and conducive to overall well-being. Beyond the workplace, we’re helping to build resilient and prosperous communities, fostering a sustainable and vibrant future for all and making a positive impact that resonates far beyond our business operations.

Thriving people and communities graphic


We have the courage to care

Our impact

  • $19.9M

    in global giving
  • $3.1M

    in employee giving and company match
  • 950,000+

    corrugated boxes, bags and absorbent pulp products donated

Strategic collaborations

We recognize the importance of strategic collaboration to make meaningful progress across our value chain.